Because of their enthusiasm for PS console games, some people may own both the PS3 and PS4 platforms, and they frequently try to get the most out of switching both consoles’ accessories with one another. However, a common topic here is whether or not you can use a PS3 controller with a PS4 system.
Although we cannot state that the PS4 system officially supports your PS3 controller, we can say that you may utilize your PS3 controller on the PS4 console in various ways with careful investigation. Some players may use hacked PS3 controllers to accomplish this, but this will harm their equipment. By the time you finish reading this article, you will have your answers to this crucial question.
Let’s get started by looking into the possibility of using a PS3 controller with a PS4 machine and other pertinent information.
Note: Please remember that these instructions only apply to genuine Sony DualShock 3 and SixAxis controllers, and it’s possible that other PS3 controllers won’t work with the PS4.
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Table of Contents
- #) Can you use the PS3 controller on the PS4 console?
- #) Is it possible to utilize your PS3 Bluetooth remotes on the PS4?
- #) What are the requirements for using a PS3 controller with a PS4?
- #) How to Unpair or Disconnect a PS4 Controller from a PS4?
- #) How can I connect a PlayStation 3 controller to a PlayStation 4 console?
- #) Using a Wireless PS3 Controller on PS4
- #) FAQ: Can you use ps3 controller on ps4?
- #) Final Word:
#) Can you use the PS3 controller on the PS4 console?
Some game functionalities may not work properly because the PS3 controller was not meant to interact with PS4 games. The trackpad and share button is seen on the DualShock 4 controller on the PS4 and is not available on PS3 controllers. Nonetheless, utilizing the PS3 controller with the necessary adaptor to play games built for the PS2 or PS3 should be no problem.
#) Is it possible to utilize your PS3 Bluetooth remotes on the PS4?
If you’ve ever used a PlayStation 3, you know that it can function as a DVD player and play various movies. You’ll need a remote, and Sony recently released a PS3 Bluetooth remote that makes things a lot easier.
Unfortunately, the PS3 Bluetooth remote will not work with the PS4 system. PS4 Bluetooth remotes, on the other hand, are available for purchase and have the same features as PS3 remotes.
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#) What are the requirements for using a PS3 controller with a PS4?
You’ll need a special controller converter to use a PS3 controller with the PS4. Because Sony doesn’t offer such adapters, you’ll have to buy one from a third-party vendor. Like the Gam3Gear Brook Super Converter, some adapters connect PS3 controllers to the PS4, while others enable you to use several controllers with multiple devices. The former is, on average, less expensive than the latter. Each adapter includes instructions and connection cables, and the majority of them require the installation of additional software.
Because the Cronusmax Plus Cross Cover Gaming Adapter supports scripts, your PS3 controller can perform all of the tasks of a PS4 controller.
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#) How to Unpair or Disconnect a PS4 Controller from a PS4?
Disconnect any PS4 controllers currently connected to your console before you begin.
- Connect the PS4 controller to the CronusMax Plus adapter using the provided mini-USB connection.
- Connect the CronusMax Plus to the USB port on your PS4 console.
- Turn on the PS4.
- On your dashboard with all of your games, scroll up and to the right, then click Settings, which is indicated by a suitcase icon.
- Select Bluetooth devices from the Devices menu.
- Select the DualShock 4 controller from the drop-down menu.
- From the right-hand menu, select Forget device.
- Select OK to remove the PS4 controller from the CronusMax Plus.
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#) How can I connect a PlayStation 3 controller to a PlayStation 4 console?
Connecting your PS3 controller to the PS4 console becomes quite simple and painless when you follow the guide. Without further ado, let’s look at how to connect a PS3 controller to a PS4:
Disconnect all controllers from the PS4 system.
- Ensure you unpair all of the controllers attached to your PS4 console before proceeding.
- To continue, you will need a CronusMax Plus converter, which includes instructions and mini USB cords.
- Plug the adaptor into the USB port after shutting off the PS4 console.
- The PS4 must then be turned on.
- On the screen, a dashboard featuring practically all of your games shows. Scroll to the top of the page and select ‘Settings.’
- Then select ‘Devices,’ followed by ‘Bluetooth devices.’
- Select ‘ Forget Device’ from the ‘DS4 controllers’ list that shows on the screen.’
- Select ‘Ok,’ and CronusMax plus will disconnect the PS4 controller.
Set up CronusMax plus
- Using the USB cord, connect your Cmax plus adapter to your computer. Ensure that it is connected to a USB 2.0 port.
- After that, you must download and install the Cronus Pro application.
- Go to ‘Tools’ and then ‘Options’ after installing it.
- You must first access the ‘Device’ page within ‘Options,’ then click the box under ‘Output protocol.’ Finally, choose ‘PS4.’
- You must now choose from the following alternatives.
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On each device, enable remote control of the slot.
When the device is rebooted, it will remember the previous active slot.
Outframe in.
One millisecond response time.
- Another option is ‘Rumbled over Bluetooth,’ which can be found in the Options menu. Ensure that the ‘Disabled’ option is chosen.
- From the Cmax tab in Options, select ‘Enable PS4 partial cross-over compatibility.’
- Close the window and remove the adapter from the computer.
- Now connect the adapter to your PS4 system.
- The CronusMax adapter must then be connected to your PS3 controller.
- Examine the first LED light to see if your PS3 controller is connected. If the connection is supported, the light should turn on. CronusMax also contains a small screen that displays ‘0,’ indicating that the controller is connected.
- If you followed the steps above successfully, you should be able to use your PS3 controller with PS4.
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#) Using a Wireless PS3 Controller on PS4
Wirelessly playing PS4 games with a PS3 controller requires a little extra setup.
- With the CronusMax Plus adapter plugged in, open the Cronus Pro software and go to Tools > Options > Device.
- Select PS4 as the Output Protocol from the drop-down menu, then the following options:
On each device, enable remote control of the slot.
When the device is rebooted, it will remember the previous active slot.
Bluetooth pairing for DualShock3 is automatic.
Outframe Inframe
One millisecond response
- Select FULL SPEED under Rumble Over Bluetooth.
- Select the CMax Plus tab, then from the drop-down option, select Enable PS4 Partial Crossover Support.
- Close the windows to close them, but keep Cronus Pro open.
- Connect the CronusMax Plus’s input port to the Bluetooth USB adapter with the CronusMax Plus.
- Select Tools > DS3/SixAxis pairing in Cronus Pro.
- The Bluetooth pairing wizard for the DS3/SixAxis should appear. To continue, select Next.
- Remove the Bluetooth USB adapter from the CronusMax Plus and connect your PS3 controller to it via the mini-USB port, as shown on the following panel.
- After the pairing is complete, select Finish to close the window.
- Disconnect the CronusMax Plus adapter from your PC and the PS3 controller from the CronusMax Plus.
- Connect your PlayStation 4 to the CronusMax Plus.
- Connect the CronusMax Plus input port to the Bluetooth USB adapter.
- To turn on your PS3 controller, press the PS button.
- The LED light on your PS3 controller should turn on, and the CronusMax Plus adapter screen should read ‘0.’ You should now be able to play PS4 games wirelessly with your PS3 controller.
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#) FAQ: Can you use ps3 controller on ps4?
What is the best way to link my PS3 controller to my computer?
To connect your PS3 controller, you’ll need to run ScpToolkit Setup.exe. In the Run Driver Installer window, install DualShock 3 driver and deselect Install DualShock 4 driver. To install the DualShock 3 controllers, select DualShock 3 controllers.
What is the best way to sync my PS3 controller?
Connect the USB to the controller and the other end to your PS3 to sync your PS3 controller. Press the PS button until the lights stop flashing. Alternatively, turn your controller over and press a paperclip into the reset button access hole for two seconds.
Is there a maximum number of remotes that may be used to connect a PS4?
Is there a limit to how many controllers the PS4 can connect to? For split-screen and simultaneous play, the PS4 officially supports up to four wireless controllers simultaneously.
Do PS4 controllers break easily?
The Dualshock PS4 controllers are of decent quality and are rather robust. However, they are fragile. I’ve had my Dualshock controller for around three years and have found it useful. Of course, manufacturing flaws do occasionally occur, necessitating the replacement of the controller or the purchase of a new one.
My controller won’t connect to my PS4 for some reason.
If the original USB cable fails, switching to a different USB cable is common. You can also try pressing the reset button, which is situated behind the L2 button on the back of the PS4 controller. If your controller still doesn’t connect to your PS4, contact Sony for assistance.
#) Final Word:
You might need to utilize your PS3 controller on your PS4 console to finish your current game. As a result, you’ll have to choose whether and how you can connect your PS3 controller to your PS4. We’ve attempted to cover practically everything relevant, and we hope you’ll find the guide useful.
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Arun is a self-published author and blogger with a passion for sharing his knowledge and expertise on Tech with people who are looking to find the perfect content for their needs. He tries to furnish you with genuine content about gadgets & tech that can assist you with deciding whether a gadget is appropriate according to your requirements or not.