In the early days of Telegram, when the app first hit the App Store and Google Play, users couldn’t stop seeing that blinking icon. But it wasn’t until users realized how to turn off bubbles in seconds that Telegram became a top-tier messenger. Bubbles are the little drawings or icons that appear in the notifications pane when new messages arrive. When you first get a new message in Telegram, it shows you a little bubble with a few words. Over time, however, the number of bubbles gets higher and higher. Nowadays, many people see more than 20bubbles per message. This can get confusing and overwhelming. To turn off bubbles in seconds, you need only two taps. Here’s how.
Table of Contents
- Open your app and go to your notifications page.
- Tap on the three dots in the top right corner
- You’ll now see a strip of your current conversation below the dots.
- Select a message, and it will turn blue.
- Select a group of messages, and it will turn blue.
- Pause a conversation, and it will turn blue.
- Turn off notifications completely.
- Conclusion-Turn Off Telegram Bubbles
Open your app and go to your notifications page.
The first step to turning off bubbles in seconds is opening your app and going to your notifications page. You can go to the settings menu and turn off the “bubble” option.
Tap on the three dots in the top right corner
The next step is to tap the three dots in the app’s upper right corner. You can choose “bubble level” from the options menu.
You’ll now see a strip of your current conversation below the dots.
At the bottom of the settings menu, you’ll see a drop-down menu with several options. Among them, you’ll see “bubbles”. Tap it to toggle the “bubbles” option off.
Select a message, and it will turn blue.
Finally, once you’ve turned off the “bubbles” option, select a message that will turn blue. From there, you can send it through the app or delete it.
Select a group of messages, and it will turn blue.
When you select a group of messages, you’ll notice a blue line around the selection. You can send the messages to any other Telegram users or delete the group.
Pause a conversation, and it will turn blue.
To pause a conversation and send the chat a blue tick, tap the “pause” icon. You can end the conversation or send messages to other users.
Turn off notifications completely.
Some users might miss seeing those little bubbles in the notifications pane. To stop seeing them completely, tap the “off” button in the top right corner of the settings menu and toggle the “notifications” option off.
Conclusion-Turn Off Telegram Bubbles
Telegram has become a go-to messaging app for many people around the world. While the app has many great features, it also has problems and bugs. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye on the developer’s blog and forums to stay up-to-date on new features and improvements. If you’re still having problems using the app, check out our detailed guide on setting up Telegram. If that works, you can enjoy fewer but clearer communications with your friends and family.
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Arun is a self-published author and blogger with a passion for sharing his knowledge and expertise on Tech with people who are looking to find the perfect content for their needs. He tries to furnish you with genuine content about gadgets & tech that can assist you with deciding whether a gadget is appropriate according to your requirements or not.