Where to Plug in Fans on Motherboard? A-Z Guide

If you’re currently putting together a computer, you may be wondering where to connect the case fans.

Or maybe you were having heating issues and purchased a new pair of fans but are unsure how to install them on your computer.

In summary, where to plug in fans on the Motherboard?

Can install case fans directly into the 3 or 4 pin headers on your Motherboard, and if your case fan includes P.W.M. connectors, it must be installed into the four-pin titles. Can connect case fans to the P.S.U. Via a Molex connector.

I’ve been there, and I understand how difficult it can be to find all the answers simply by searching the internet.

You no longer need to be concerned; as a computer enthusiast and builder, I will present you with a comprehensive guide to connecting your case fans.

Please do not skip any steps, as I will walk you through the process step by step.


What Is a Fan Connector on a Motherboard?

On the Motherboard, a motherboard fan connector is a diminutive three- or four-pin connector. The Fan will come with a single set of cables (bundled together) to connect to the Motherboard’s connector.

It is a member of the Molex Connector Company’s family of computer power connectors, including the larger 4-pin Molex connector used by older hard drives and the motherboard power connector.

Today, the term “Molex” is infrequently used. When referring to these connectors, motherboard manuals more frequently use “SYSFAN” and “CPU FAN.” Although SYSFAN and CPU FAN are technically identical connectors, SYSFAN is used to connect P.C. case fans, and CPU FAN is used to connect the Fan attached to the CPU heat sink.

Do not be concerned if this is your first time using these connections. They are simple to use and nearly impenetrable to faulty connections. The most challenging part may be getting your hands and fingers into the required area.


What Is the Function of a Motherboard Fan Connector?

A motherboard fan connector’s job is to deliver power.

A three-pin motherboard fan connector has black, red, and yellow wires on the P.C. Fan’s side. The black wire serves as a ground, the red wire supplies power, and the yellow wire communicates the Fan’s current speed to the P.C. via the yellow wire.

Pulse Width Modulation is a feature enabled by a four-pin motherboard fan connector (P.W.M.). P.W.M. is capable of rapidly switching on and off the power. This allows control of the Fan’s speed.

If a fan is set to operate at 50% of its maximum speed, P.W.M. cycles the power to receive power only half the time. This occurs too quickly to notice, and the Fan appears to be running at a constant 50% of its average maximum speed.

Additionally, the motherboard fan connector will include a plastic guide that extends beyond the connector’s pins. This fits neatly into a notch on the connoisseur’s belt.


How to Install Case Fans in a Computer Step by Step Process

First, you should understand that you can connect your case fans using two components.

  • Motherboard, abbreviated MOBO;
  • Power Supply Unit abbreviated P.S.U.

Thus, let us begin the procedure.

The following are the steps for installing Case Fans:


Step1: Connect The Case Fans To The Motherboard

If you want the best performance from your fans, it’s best to connect them to your Motherboard.

If you connect your fans to the Motherboard, you can adjust the fan speed via the motherboard BIOS. However, it would help if you touched it via a 4-pin cable for that option.

Typically, each MOBO includes at least two fan headers. However, you will have four-pin titles if you have a MOBO such as the B450m.

Now, locate the following pin headers on your Motherboard:

  • FAN SYSTEM (System Fan)
  • FAN CHA CHA (Chassis Fan)
  • FAN PWR (Power Fan)
  • EXT FAN EXT FAN (Extension Fan)

If you’re having trouble locating them, look in the bottom left corner of your Motherboard. You’ll quickly obtain a single Header.


Step2: Connect the Case Fans to the Power Supply Unit

Before plugging in, you should verify the model of your power supply. The following items are required to connect your case fans to your P.S.U.

  • MOLEX connector with four pins (Comes with the P.S.U.)
  • MOLEX connector with three pins (Comes with the Fan)

Bear in mind that not all P.S.U.s or fans include the connector. However, the most recent units will consist of connectors.

You can connect your Fan directly to the P.S.U. Via a connector.

However, what if your Fan lacks a Molex connector?

Alternatively, you can purchase the P.S.U. to Fan Pin Header Adapter. Thus, you can connect your fans to the P.S.U.

However, connecting your fans to the P.S.U. Creates some back draw. As an example, you have no control over the fan speed. The Fan will continuously operate at maximum capacity.


Step3: Two Things to Consider When Installing Case Fans

Before we get started, let’s discuss how you will attach the case fans. It would help if you had a basic understanding of fans.

When you open the casing of your computer, you will most likely notice four distinct types of fans:

  • Fan for cooling the CPU.
  • Fan for the intake.
  • Ventilation fan.
  • U. – Cooling fan

You can quickly identify faulty fans simply by looking at them. They either refuse to spin or, if they do, they make that strange grinding noise.

If you have any dust-clogged fans, please empty them to avoid the heating problem.

Now that you’re familiar with the various types of fans, it’s time to examine how case fans work. Additionally, check out the best aura sync keyboards for a premium feel.

First, the intake fans will draw cool air from your room or wherever your computer is located, cool the computer’s components, and then exhaust the hot air with the help of the exhaust fan.

Installing the new Fans, it is necessary to understand how to face them.

Step4: Case Fan Direction

You must properly configure your case fans. Otherwise, the fans will cause more harm than good.

As a result, some new Intake fans will have a marking on the body indicating which way the Fan should face.

However, what if it does not?

That requires visual inspection of the fan label or sticker on the body. Typically, the front side would be the sticker side. Therefore, arrange the Fan in this manner.

However, if there is no sticker, it would be prudent to search for the Fan’s spokes or mesh grill.

For example, when installing intake fans, the sticker or spokes will face inwards toward the computer case. Additionally, please look at our expert-recommended list of the best corsair keyboards.


Step5: Mounting Case Fans

Generally, it would help to place intake fans on the front of the case to draw in cool air from the outside while placing exhaust fans on the back to exhaust hot air.

Certain new cases will include a vent on top. However, avoid making the mistake of installing an intake fane over there. It would help if you used that vent for exhaust fans, providing more outlets for the hot air.

To begin mounting the Fan, you must first locate an ideal location for it. Thus, you can easily access the Motherboard or P.S.U when installing the Fan. This will aid in cable management.

Once you’ve located the ideal location, align the Fan with the four holes in the case and screw it in place.

Now that you’ve completed the installation, it’s time to connect it.


(F.A.Q.s) About Where to Plugin Fans on Motherboard

Can I connect casing fans to the motherboard without using the preferred headers?

Yes, you can either plug them into your P.S.U. or purchase a fan splitter, also known as a Y-Splitter.

Is it possible to connect a 3-pin fan to a 4-pin header?

Yes, you can, but you will lose control of the fans.

Is it possible to connect my fans to the AIO PUMP Header?

No, cannot use AIO PUMP. Headers are intended for use with water coolers only.


Final Remarks

Casing fans are critical for the overall health of your computer, and one should be able to install them properly.

I recommend conducting some research before purchasing the fans to determine which fans are compatible with your Motherboard.

Additionally, you can always contact us with any future inquiries.


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